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Shitposting  can be described in a very precise and intuitive way, as the act of posting content with little to no value. The origins of the term, as many relevant terms in internet culture usually are, are uncertain. Before the 2010s the term was often used to describe  a specific sort of misbehaviour in  online forums, in which the users would spam posts and comments unrelated to the forum’s purpose. The images and texts that were posted, or shitposted could be either trolling or intentional derailing of the topic, by bringing up  massive amounts of information relating to more inflammatory  and polemical topics, kidnapping the user’s attention from the original discussion.  Nevertheless, the  current meaning of the term “shitposting” is barely  related to  its original meaning. Considering that in the early internet age shitposting meant to post content in order to undermine a serious topic, a very important change has taken place in internet culture due to the concentration of a huge amount of users in the platforms owned by American monopolies such as Facebook (which englobes instagram and whatsapp) and Twitter. In such platforms now there are countless profiles, pages and accounts fully dedicated to shitposting. The act of shitpostig  evolved, beginning  as a tactical maneuver to conquer attention, into the nihilistic practice of actively publishing content, especially images, that compensate in quantity what they lack in meaning.  Bellow, there are  several examples  of what is commonly  and currently (2021) understood as shitposting.



Image 1:  The profile picture of the subreddit r/shitposting, which is also a typical shitpost.

Image 2: a shitpost featuring pop culture characters, the text in Arabic, was probably google translated by people who don't speak Arabic in order  increase the reading difficulty.


image 3- An edition or remixing to a still frame taken from  the animated series The Simpsons. Published with no caption or justification on a shitposting group on Facebook


Shitposting  can be described in a very precise and intuitive way, as the act of posting content with little to no value. The origins of the term, as many relevant terms in internet culture usually are, are uncertain. Before the 2010s the term was often used to describe  a specific sort of misbehaviour in  online forums, in which the users would spam posts and comments unrelated to the forum’s purpose. The images and texts that were posted, or shitposted could be either trolling or intentional derailing of the topic, by bringing up  massive amounts of information relating to more inflammatory  and polemical topics, kidnapping the user’s attention from the original discussion.  Nevertheless, the  current meaning of the term “shitposting” is barely  related to  its original meaning. Considering that in the early internet age shitposting meant to post content in order to undermine a serious topic, a very important change has taken place in internet culture due to the concentration of a huge amount of users in the platforms owned by American monopolies such as Facebook (which englobes instagram and whatsapp) and Twitter. In such platforms now there are countless profiles, pages and accounts fully dedicated to shitposting. The act of shitpostig  evolved, beginning  as a tactical maneuver to conquer attention, into the nihilistic practice of actively publishing content, especially images, that compensate in quantity what they lack in meaning.  Bellow, there are  several examples  of what is commonly  and currently (2021) understood as shitposting.


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