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Making  DANK Memes

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Dank memes  surely  are one of the most  complex to understand and  to create. As it is was explained previously, Dank memes often use more complex forms of irony, characteristic to gen z and early 21st century humor. There is a beauty in dank memes, that resides on the absolute chaos that they represent. The subject of the meme doesn't really matter, just as the format you chose to make them in. Literally anything you combine in a dank meme, will be potentially funny to people who often consume memes and partake in shitposting, it only has to maintain some simple aesthetic qualities  that will make them recognizable as dank memes. If you want to  learn how to make satirical memes and relatable memes, click the respective pink section of text.

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The Danker, The Better

In order to make a dank meme, it is very useful to know what a dank meme is. Dank memes are bizarre memes, that often use out of fashion or highly unconventional formats, templates and messages. There are many sub categories to dank memes, the most notable being Surreal memes 

and Deep fried memesNevertheless, you don't have to be a dank meme connoisseur in order to make one. Many images that circulate online as dank memes, can be made completely unintentionally, like the famed  category of Science diagrams that look like shitposts, for example. Actually, being pure and uncontaminated from shitposting and dank meme aesthetics might be an advantage in making memes that look unique and  have never seen before. The instructions ahead are not a definitive guide for making memes, but a  way that the author found to facilitate your journey in making memes

1- Think about something. It can be anything, from your dog  to the economic crisis in Thailand. Just be creative, free yourself from the need to make important takes. It's a dank meme that you are making. Get an image that may or may not relate directly to the thing you are thinking about and download it for the next step.

2-  Edit - Make your image weird. Screenshot it  on  an awkward zoom, download it on a very poor resolution, pop some ugly Instagram filters on it, deep fry it, add emojis, do anything that will make it look highly ironic, out of fashion, of "poor taste" or profoundly unprofessional.


3-Bottom Text -Add some text. Or don't. Your image can be posted without any context. You are engaging in a digital and involuntary avant-garde movement that heavily relies on higher forms of irony. Just enjoy yourself. You could add the first word that comes to your mind, or even just the first letter. You can paste the entire text of Don Quixote inside your 450x450 pixels image, a̷̡̧̢̟͓̖̳̱̺͍͒́͒̏ ̴̧̱̹̟͎͔̫̫̓̑̋́̃̋̋̆̀̌̈̃w̴̤̃̃͗̈à̷̹̻͓͋͝ŷ̴̘̖̜͋͗̇͝ ̴̛̱͂̃̒̂͒̕͘͝t̵̨̛̰͓̠̹͕̟̮̲͕̞͌̊͌̒͒́̄̋̒̚h̴̛͕̼͚̠̰̥̯̩̼̫̐̓͊ä̷̮̣̫́̈́́͂̋͑͝͠t̶̡̠͎̤́͑̀͝͠ ̶̨̭̬͖̹͍̣̺̝̫́̾̆̂͆̉́͝ń̷̨̖̹̲̪̭̹̀̈́́̔ǫ̵̡̯͔͈͇̟̜̯̽̆͛̾̍̒́̄̆̍̕͠t̵̡̪͈̼̝̖̜͎͍̹̰̓͋͊͆͂̈̈͛͌̚ ̷̬͉͙̙͚̬̘̓̍͒͐̍͗̄̀̕ĕ̵̯̱͓̥̝͗̌̇͆̍̐v̷͇̽̓͊̈́̂̈́̊̄́̚͝͝ę̷̠̲̝̫̲̻̪͔̻̥͖̤̔̉̂͐̇͐̇͋͝͝n̸̞̱͙̟̖̹̰̦̱̮̱̊̀̒̒̊̽̾͒̌ ̶̡̳̓̽̚͜͝͠ȁ̶̡͇̺͙̥̘̳̑̇̍͜ǹ̴͙̗̝̺̼̟͙̱̻̼͉͎͑̎c̵͇̰̈̇͛̑̎̆͑͜͝ǐ̶̛̭̲͋̇̓̉̈́̓͂̕̚ȅ̶̛̬̠͆̋̏̏̈̔̽͐͝ņ̵̳̟͇̮͙̃́̓̀͗̓͋͘t̴̨̡̢̠̯͕͔̦͔͋̐̈́̑̈́̆͑̈͆͛̚̚ ̷̢̛͎͙͚͇̬͔͔̮̫̣̥̋̐͋̋̓̈́̓͘ͅg̶̡͍̠̮͉̙̬̺̝̫̮̏͋̆͜o̸̬̣͖̬̦̓̎̈́̅̌̓͌d̵̢̘͍̜̭̳̓̈́̃͂̽̐̐̕̚s̸̳̣̆́́̑̈́͐͂͝ ̵̥̪̖̹̰̰͉̼̣̰̤͖̹͂͑̀̌c̵͖̜̖̙͑̈́͊͛̑̓̋̀̔̕ͅǫ̵̫̪̫͎̘̫̭̫̜̪̐̅̂u̵̧͔̦͗͗̈̄̾͆͛̀̚l̶̪̫̱͕͍͈͔̹̦͔͇͆d̴̢̧̮̜͈̲͕̦͓͖̲͗ͅ ̶̡̼̤̹̙͌͗́̊̊͂́̚ŗ̸̤̺͈͚̦̬͕̿͊̊̓ḙ̶̦̹̟̗̦̠̬̬͋͒́̔͊͛͒̄͜à̷̢̛̉̉͑̈́̂͑̊͂̊̈́̋d̷͎̝͚̩̱͓̞̹̰̐͑̔̓́̓̑̏͌̔̈́̿ You can jus put your name on it. Or maybe a badly recorded audio of a common doorbell. The 21st century has arrived. The idea of specific signs and symbols having specific meanings has its minutes counted. Everything can mean anything, and yet, everything is meaningless. There are 10 years to fix the climate crisis, and the human species probably won't manage to do it. Elon musk and his clan of robots will leave us to die in a deserted wasteland while the multibillionaires colonize mars in their penis-shaped rockets. Just do whatever you want.

4- Post it (or better please, don't) !  In the internet, everything is possible. Believe in your dreams. Zuckerberg or algorithm probably knows about it and might make it come true.



Below are some examples of dank memes . Use them as inspiration, steal them, imitate them , edit them  or even just repost them claiming they are yours. There are no boundaries for your creativity, neither are reasons for your to attempt to make something "original". 


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Tutorial 1- making dank memes

Tutorial 2- The more you know ...

There are many tools that  are useful for making memes, even if they were not designed specifically for it. Bellow there are some tutorials that might improve your meme making skill even without a specialized page or app. And remember: using weird themes, fonts and other resources will make your memes danker.


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