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Making Relatable Memes

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To learn a new language, most people  need to learn how to  absorb and produce content. The passive  skills, like reading and listening are greatly improved by exercising active skills such as  speaking and writing. In a very similar way, producing  memes  can greatly  improve your capacity to understand  and enjoy memes when you see them. 

This chapter might help you improving your meme making skills, or even guide you through the process of making your very first meme. 


This chapter is focused on teaching how to make relatable memes. If You want to learn how to Make Satirical memes or how to  Make Dank Memes, click the colorful links imbedded in  the text. Relatable memes have to be, well, relatable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. A great amount of people need to engage in your dialogue, and empathize with the situations and feelings your meme describes. Some go-to themes in relatable memes are : Every day life, relationships,  School or job situations, or anything that can  be easily related to a lot of people's life. Try to keep your themes limited to  this wide audience (as in "that moment when you take off your shoes and it smells bad" that relates to anyone with feet and shoes), or to chose a specific niche (as in "when your guitar pick falls inside your guitar >:( ", which appeals to acoustic guitar players). Bellow there is a guide for  making relatable memes.

1- Think about something that happens to yo  frequently, but nobody knows about it. Maybe the  way you water down the shampoo when it's about to end, the way your parents used to react to your school grades, or how frustrated you feel when you try to scratch that one unreachable spot on your back. There are many secrets that we keep about our everyday life that are probably not unique to us, but rather relatable to millions of people around the world. Relatable memes appeal to the very human need that  people have for feeling like they belong to a large and yet intimate group. Exploit this need, and your meme will be very relatable.

3-Find an exaggerated picture. If your meme is about how angry your mother would get when you forgot to wash the dishes,  find a picture of a screaming demon covered in fire. If your meme is about how sad you feel when your significant other doesn't reply to your messages, find a picture of someone that looks extremely sad, or even better, a puppy with tears in their eyes.  By extrapolating completely the intensity of your subject, you will manage to capture the attention of your audience. Sublime and over-the-top imagery  to depict mundane affairs.

4- Keep the text simple. Your text or audio in a relatable meme should be very brief and punctual. Describe the feeling or situation in very few words. You can also assume in your text that the audience relates to what you are depicting, with phrases such as : "that moment when...", or  describing the situation in a dialogue like way such as : "me: say thanks to the bus driver. The bus driver, with tears of joy  in her eyes:  :')  ". You can structure  the text in the way that seems more adequate to you and your target community, this is just a guide to making the  meme you might create more relatable.

5- Post it ! You can begin by showing it to people  that are closer to you, and edit or fine tune it to be more relatable based on their feedback. You can also just post it and see who will like and repost it. Chances are that your meme is going to make someone feel closer to you, and more aware of the little things that make life such an amazing experience. 



Below are some examples of relatable memes that follow this model  for making relatable memes. Use them as inspiration, but don't let them dictate the tone, the look and the feel of your memes. They will be more relatable if they are genuinely yours.


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Tutorial 1- making memes

Tutorial 2- Improvising Memes

There are many tools that  are useful for making memes, even if they were not designed specifically for it. Bellow there are some tutorials that might improve your meme making skill even without a specialized page or app.


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