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One of the most interesting thoughts about shitposting doesn’t come from the producing and posting of such images, but from the consuming, reblogging and sharing end. Considering a digital environment so strongly ruled by the logic of attention economy Which can be explained  by the idea that in the 21st century, information is abundant and readily available, being therefore of low value, in opposition to human attention, which is limited and scarce being highly valuable in a market that has information behaving like commodities, and attention like a currency (Rose, 2015). In such a marker for attention, one which in which  algorithms  carefully craft an highly personalized timeline for each user to endlessly scroll on, in  a system that constantly delivers Taylor-made content based on complex calculations involving the user’s feelings, interests, researches and behavior patterns, it would seem very unlikely that this kind of content which is deliberately made to be meaningless, would prosper in this highly specialized market for screen time. Against all odds, dank memes, surreal memes, and many other shitposting related types of content that are intentionally created with a lack of meaning, manage to be  highly relevant in internet culture, creating popular characters such as the Stonks Person , which is used massively by people completely unrelated to dank or surreal meme communities. The fact that meaningless images can thrive while competing for attention against highly customized content when posted into digital environments can be easily understood if one considers the sincere, honest and extravagant meaninglessness of these memes as  some sort of evolutionary advantage, following the memetic thinking of Dawkins (1976), in which memes (that for the British geneticist have a far wider meaning) exist and reproduce in a social environment in which they may or may not succeed in being reproduced, in a process very similar to  that of organisms and genes in evolutionary biology. 

The existence  of shitposting done for shitposting’s sake can be seen as something seriously subversive,  when successful, the dispretencious act of uploading  some silly  images paired with text which is either intentional nonsense or deranged thoughts into the world wide web, where they will compete with finely designed and labor intensive content made by companies and digital influencers implies that the  results , often measured by screen time, likes, comments and shares, achieved through hard work and automated curatorship of cutting edge technology, can be replicated or even bested through pure and  chaotic randomness. 

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